May 12, 2023

Not Quite Ocean's Eleven

Branwenn comes face-to-face with Redwyne's muscle, but her companions are not far behind. A brief scuffle turns into a night of snooping about the recluse merchant's great hall and uncovering clues along the way. Numbers and new initials are tossed around like hot cakes. HD? S. Notch? Is Galen Redwyne just another trust fund washout or is something more nefarious afoot? Tune in to find out. --- A collection of friends new and old, Nat20Hot is a homebrew D&D campaign that streams every other Sunday at 3:00 PM ET | 2:00 PM CT. Subscribe and tune in at Nat20Hot is a D&D stream in support of Extra Life: a Program of Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Visit our page to learn more and drop a donation: